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Loan Officer Digital

Take your business to the next level with TAYGO and thrive through digitization.

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Loan officer digital branding & mortgage specific Website

TAYGO offers a large gallery of Loan Officer Personal Branding & Mortgage Specific website options all set up and hosted instantly.Start your Mortgage Shop in cloud today.

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Search engine Optimization

One important step in order to generate business online is to be found on search engines. TAYGO has built required Search Engine Optimization (SEO) into your branded pages and web presence to be found more organically and seamlessly on search engines.

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Chat Engagement App

TAYGO provides automated chat engagement to all consumer digital touch points whether that be on your Website, Email Campaigns, SMS Campaigns, Social Media or Blogs. You have the option to activate Mortgage Chatbot or Live Chat for the visitors of your Website, Lead Capture Pages or Social Media visitors. Ether way, TAYGO lets you engage with new visitors instantly.

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Auto Scheduler App

TAYGO offers a wide range of Productivity & engagement Apps including Auto-scheduler App. When you create an account on TAYGO this app will sync with your calendar and provide you with a dynamic Auto-scheduler App which plugs in to your Branded Website, Email Signature, Marketing Campaigns, Social Media and Chat Engagement.

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Request Consumer Reviews

Own and manage your customer reviews under your branded website and on your own domain. Reviews are important in attracting search engine. TAYGO helps you host your customer reviews under your own domain rather that on the third-party platform. This will hep better position your domain with search engines.

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Customer Loyalty Program!

TAYGO offers built in workflows to establish a customer loyalty program amongst your past or potential clients. Customer Loyalty Program keeps your client engaged and incentivized to either return for further business or refer new business your way.

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Partner Network Development

TAYGO is the only platform that allows a structured partner network development for loan officers. You can simply invite your partners with a unique link and empower them to track the referrals and customer satisfaction. This feature is essential for scaling your partner channels digitally.

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Contact Management

TAYGO offers a built-in automated mini CRM that manages the contacts that comes through different digital channels. TAYGO's mini CRM seamlessly integrates with other CRMs like SalesForce as well as all Mortgage Industry POS & LOS platforms. You can activate Auto-reply & Scheduled Campaigns on TAYGO's Contact Management.

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Marketing Campaigns

TAYGO provides a full Email & Text message Campaigns for loan officers. You can create and schedule campaigns for a marketing initiative or as a response to a marketing initiative. TAYGO also allows to schedule campaigns and reports on engagement levels of your audience.

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Drip Campaigns

TAYGO provides a complete toolset to create Responsive Workflows or Drip Campaigns. Drip Campaigns can initiate a Marketing Campaign or Respond to one. It's automated and reduces a large amount of manual work for Marketing Campaigns.

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Social Media Automation

TAYGO provides an automated engine that can be scheduled for social media post around the topics you'd like to promote for your business. You hav an option to promote your own content or subscribe to TAYGO's content repository that contains Mortgage Compliant content provided by verified sources. Content publication under your Branded Website, Social Media and Domain is essential for Search Engine engagement and generating business online.

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Content Subscription

TAYGO provides an extensive Mortgage Compliant Content Repository around various topics that apply to consumer's searched and trending keywords. You can subscribe to this content repository to take advantage fresh and applicable content that are provided by TAYGO's verified content partners. You can schedule your Marketing Campaigns and Social Media posts on TAYGO to automatically choose the relevant topic for the next publication.

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release every two weeks.

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